Please note that the information presented in this website may not represent the most recent inspection results. Inspection data is updated frequently and is current as of .
The placard color generally represents how safe it is to eat at this facility. It is based upon the total number of major violations – or critical risk factors – that is more likely to impact the food a consumer eats. Major violations are those that have been identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to cause or contribute to causing illness. The placard color is separate from the score. The placards include:
Asterisks denote facilities with recent closure activities.
The score is separate from the placard color and is an indication of the facility’s overall compliance with the California Retail Food Code, Health and Safety Code, Division 104, Part 7. The score is calculated based on the number of violation categories observed during the inspection.
Each violation category is pre-assigned with points based on its public health significance: Major (8 points), Moderate (3 points), and Minor (2 points). These points will be deducted from a perfect score of 100.
N/A – NOT AVAILABLE. A score was not issued with the inspection activity or inspection activity was performed prior the placarding program. Scores are only associated with routine inspections.